Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Awesome Weekend

I don't often take the time to write about the good things that happen in my life so I wanted to take the opportunity now.  My family and I had a truly amazing Memorial Day weekend and I am so thankful for that.  About a month ago, my husband and I decided to buy a boat to use on the Great South Bay of Long Island.  My husband grew up on boats and the water, where I grew up about 2 hours from the nearest shoreline so I was a bit apprehensive about buying the boat but it has probably been the best investment we have ever made.  On Saturday the waters were rough so we didn't go out but on Sunday we took the kids to see an airshow with some friends via the boat.  We were on the water from 7am to about 5:30pm and had such a good time.  The Blue Angels flew overhead and my son was in heaven.  Our boat was tied up to our friends boat and we had so much fun talking with them and the kids were going between the boats.  On Monday we figured we would go out for a few hours and ended up being out for 6 hours but it was the most relaxing 6 hours of my life.  This boat is bringing my family back together again; no blackberry, computers, phone or TV, just us.
I was in the sun for all of this time so I kept applying sunscreen in the hopes of protecting myself and I'm not sure that it will work but I was willing to risk it to have such quality time together.  I'm hoping/praying that it will not activate a Lupus flare but to be honest it was sooooooo worth it to me for this weekend.  I will take it very easy this week and not feel guilty about it because of all of the stuff we did this weekend.

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